i was watching a rush hour 3 (with jackie chan & chris tucker) last night when i got this text from Da (my cousin).
From redj: Im in pangasinan.Dino's gone. He was shot last wednesday.
Rush Hour 3 was a really hilarious movie. But when I got that text, I just stopped laughing. I immediately replied back to her and asked her for details and texted my very good friend Redj immediately. I was so frustrated for while I was waiting for the "sent" icon, my phone died. Low Batt. Grrr. I can't do anything about it but wait for the movie to end.
When I got home, I immediately charged my fone. After a while, I turned it on and texted my cousin again. I tried calling my friend Redj, but her fone cannot be reached.
We were all saddened about this news. I haven't seen Redj for a while and I know she's sooper devastated with this event. A few months back, she also lost her grandmother. And now this.
Way back when I was working in Manila, I stayed with Redj. She invited me to stay with her and it was for free. Dino would drop by sometimes and I remember me and my friends having fun listening to them talk in Panggalatok. They sounded German. Sometimes we also ribbed Redj about Dino's voice, for it was a little high-pitched. In tagalog it was 'matinis'.
I really feel for her loss. They were such a close-knit family. Dino was Redj's buddy/driver/mr. everything (aside from her youngest bro - Julius). And I'm sure she might still be in shock, right now.
I'll never really know how it feels to lose someone. I was too young when my lolo (grandfather) died. When my lola died when I was in high school, I was saddened, but I thought, that's where old people really go. But Dino was so young. He's not even in his 30s yet. His daughter's so young. He still had so much to live for. He was so kind. And such a gentleman. And so accomodating. And dying so young, and a gunshot in the head at that, I really can't understand. Maybe God has other plans for his family. But it really is such a tragic loss.